Written by rachelnova on February 28, 2022
Mosaic Arts: Cuenca, EC.
Creative JourneyHello! Welcome! Read moreCandle-making, North Coast, EC / burns for me.Let me get right to it: I need to build a mosaic art studio… ASAP. I would NEVER leave it. I recently took a mosaic art class (a series of classes) at an art studio in Cuenca, Ecuador called idiomART. It was a little bit

Written by rachelnova on January 22, 2022
Candle-making, North Coast, EC / burns for me.
Creative JourneyHello! Welcome to my first post in the realm of my creative journey. I am sharing a little more about my recent candle-making journey. Read moreCandle-making North Coast, EC / new bowls!You can get a sense of my love for bees in my interview with a beekeeper (click link in italics) that I know in