Tag: ecuador

Conch Shell candle & photography: Ecuador.

I finally made the huge conch shell into a candle! I was given this conch shell (and a big hug!) by a restaurant owner in Same, Ecuador as a dear gift upon leaving. They had found this huge beautiful conch shell at sea and I finally made it into a candle. It was so much Read More

Colorful sleepy surfer vibe mural: Same, Ecuador.

Hi all! Get ready for many mural entries! So much fun! I will be honest: I tried to get amped to share my latest mural adventure on here and totally have been putting it off… I have to try because I rarely share my murals. I got into the habit of finding places to paint Read More

Interview-style chat with beekeeper – Cuenca, Ecuador.

Welcome to my very first blog post! I am thrilled to share this interview/conversation I had with beekeeper Alexander. Upon traveling around a bit during a professional visa in the country of Ecuador, I found Alexander. Well, I found honey, and then I found Alexander. I am always looking for local honey wherever I go. Read More